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Hashtag: Is it really necessary?

It is undeniable that we are living a world with technology surrounds us and social media became a huge part of our daily lives. In a blink of an eye, social media users spread like wildfire all over the world. It became a new source of communication and new norm of socializing throughout the world. As the social media is becoming broader and broader each day, millions or rather billions of opinions and feelings are expressed and tweeted, billions of information were spread; and videos were shared,posted,viewed. You may have noticed that others are using the pound symbol or number sign beside a word and sometimes before a phrase. It is called HASHTAG! (wait! a what? how?)

A hashtag is born.

First, let me tell you what is a hashtag. According to the Wikipedia, a hashtag is introduced by the number sign, or hash symbol, #, is a type of metadata tag used on social networks such as Twitter and other microblogging services. It lets users apply dynamic, user-generated tagging that helps other users easily find messages with a specific theme or content.

Hashtag was first used by Chris Messina in August 2007. He got the idea of using a hashtag from Internet chat rooms that had a pound symbol in front of them. He decided to pitch the idea to Twitter, but the company told him it was “nerdy” and that it would never catch on. But the idea caught on, in 2009 Twitter added an option for users to search for hashtags and the rest is history.

The Role & Proper use of Hashtag in Social Media today.

In social media today, using a hashtag is necessary. It helps the user to find quickly a certain topic or content. It is the easier way to search for a specific keywords. And it is an effective way to attract the viewers and help to begin a trend. In Social Media Marketing, hashtag is used to fit a business brand and effective way on promotion.

Here are some tips on how to use hashtag properly:

  1. Use hashtag (#) before your chosen keyword/s

  2. Capitalize the first letter of every word

  3. Do not use punctuation or space in your hashtags

  4. Do not use number alone in your hashtags

  5. Keep it short and memorable

How about you, what are your common used hashtags? And what can you say about this article.

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